Every YAKNA cost 17 MATIC
YAKNA is a collection of programmatically, randomly generated NFTs on the Polygon blockchain. The 1st generation consists of 10,000 randomly assembled giants YAKNA that have a variety of outfits, faces and colors Each YAKNA is comprised of a unique body, eyed, hat, ear, face and outfit.
When pronouncing giant in Thai, we say ''Yak''. ''Na'' is an abbreviation of the Thai word (pa-yak-na , derived from the word nod and it also sounds similar to the word na in Thai, which is a Other suffixes at the end of another word. Expressing pleading, forcing an agreement, or emphasizing such as come fast na it’s the same like pls come fast (Expressing pleading) you can say come fast na in Thai.
When these two words are put together will refer to the name that indicates the giant and it was nodding to you
- and let's nod together!